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Some countries don’t welcome journalists – so how do you travel under the radar? On a recent trip to Iran, Nick Boulos took on an alternative job title: Sales Manager. But who fell for his facade?

My passport felt heavy in my clammy palm and my heart pounded slightly faster than normal as the queue grew shorter and shorter. It was my turn next. The immigration officer beckoned me forward with a casual flick of the hand and I stepped forth feeling like a character from a John le Carre novel. “Welcome to Iran,” he said breezily. “What’s the purpose of your visit?”

Iran is one of 2016’s most talked about destinations. Head there, and you’ll find its capital to be a friendly base for exploring the country

It’s not uncommon to touch down in the Iranian capital with mixed feelings. There’s excitement and high anticipation at finally reaching this once out-of-bounds land, but also some sensations that are rather more unsettling. What kind of a welcome will I get? Do they hate Westerners? Will going through the airport be like a scene lifted from Argo?

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